Are you 18? You could get us “Venusian Vampire Vixens”!

Everything in life has a price attached to it. No one owes you anything, even if you think that they should. Walking down the street yesterday in Cabarete, the town in the Dominican Republic where I’m living, my wife and I look out at the chaos: the women carrying baskets of fruit on their heads, … Read more

But How Many People Have You Actually Spoken to Today?

Why would you send out a Facebook ad trying to convince strangers on the Internet that you’re an expert before people who already know you even know what it is that you do for a living? On a daily basis we get questions in our free Facebook group ( asking how to get clients. Usually … Read more

There’s a Good Reason, and There’s the Real Reason

Commenting on yesterday’s article about confusing the gasoline for the fire, OTA student Gina Diliberto Patterson sums up the process here: Spot on. What OTA has taught us in terms of marketing has brought in way more clients than any marketing funnel or Facebook ad. There’s certainly a time/place for those tools, but if you’re … Read more

But does it magically deliver an immediate “pay off”?

Online training is a new business and one that hasn’t gotten a lot of respect. For good reason, most people who do it suck at it. They view it as a way to magically make money by posting on Facebook once, getting hordes of clients, and doing no work in their underwear at home. The … Read more

Most Online Trainers Are Like Delicate, Sensitive Mimosa’s

I have a friend who started online training a year or so ago and quit soon after. He wanted the fruits that this new, exciting business opportunity promised to bear. Sadly, these days he’s still labouring in the gym 10+ hrs a day looking for the solution that he had, but wasn’t strong enough to … Read more

The Time When a Garbage Man Paid Me $4,463.50

It was overcast outside. A client cancelled last minute which presented me with an hour to kill. Tis’ par for the course. Still, I was bored. “A day like any other.” I thought. Then the garbage man showed up. –This a gym? He asked. Big guy. Italian. Barrel chest. A booming, confident, authoritative voice. We … Read more

Sorry Friend, What You Think You’re Selling is Actually Worthless

Stop thinking that whatever you know has value. This might seem like a kick in the cojones to many of you, but whatever you think you’re selling to clients is worthless. What I am about to propose is a mindset shift that has the potential to fundamentally change how you market, position, and sell. When … Read more

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