The Perfect Mattress for Paleos and Bookworms

Today I want to talk about the importance of targeting a specific clientele online and what to do if you have two target markets. On my way to a morning walk with the head Archangel, my good friend Giovanni Marsico, I saw the ad pictured below on the subway: Casper, the mattress company that created the … Read more

Jason Chartrand Just Got His First Online Training Client

Online Trainer Academy grad Jason just got his first online training client. It’s an old friend from University that he hasn’t spoken to in ten years. He didn’t use a website and didn’t pay any money on promotion. Jason’s post that resulted in his first client (and 3 more sales calls coming up already) is annotated … Read more

Why Jimmy Fallon’s No Longer Lonely

The comedy troop Lonely Island of ‘I Just Had Sex’ and ‘I’m on a Boat’ fame came out with a movie last year. I never saw it, but I did come across one element of their promotion that I want to share. It was the end of the press tour and Andy Samberg, the lead … Read more

You’re Competing With Infinite Shelf Space Now, My Friend

Most clients refuse to travel more than 20 minutes to a gym. The result is something called availability bias – people would work with trainers if they were close by, irregardless if somebody farther away was better suited to help them. It used to be the same in a lot of other industries. Whatever brand … Read more

N=1 is Not a Reliable Study

If it was easy to get gobs of clients overnight with no work, everybody would do it. Yes, I know that the goo-roos will make you think that it’s easy. Sometimes when you look at Facebook it seems like all of the other people are having all of the success getting all dem’ clients, making … Read more

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