Marketing is the second most important thing

Great marketing will only make a bad product fail faster. You need a good product. But today’s short note isn’t about your product. Today’s note is about how you communicate the value of your product. — Some background: Fitness Marketing Monthly subscribers get two bonus gifts when they first subscribe. The first, is a small, … Read more

‘I could kiss you right now’

Reader Brandan Cabral writes, “Jon Goodman, I could kiss you right now. After reading the email about celebrating a client moving on, I decided to do the same thing AND got set up with two new clients within an hour. Thank you for sharing novel ways to celebrate and share what we do. It is … Read more

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

The image above shows two versions of the Fundamentals of Online Training textbook that accompanies the Online Trainer Academy (OTA). On the bottom is V1.0, released in September 2016, which was the evolution of 5 cohorts consisting of a few thousand students of a previous course called 1K Extra first sold in 2013. On top … Read more

But I thought that these avocados were free?

Driving down the highway on the north shore of the island of Kauai in Hawaii, my wife and I saw a curious site. I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit … In 2016 we lived in a small town called Kilauea on the northeastern shore of Kauai. Kauai is breathtaking and remote. … Read more

Take a Snow Ball Fight, for Example

OTA student Adam asks, I’m speaking with a business coach and it seems that you both highlight the same issues in our industry, but have very different business models (correct me if I’m wrong). Yours – slow and stable growth, to replace a % of your income with online clients. His –  Create a high … Read more


Yesterday’s article ended with the line, “When somebody tells you that they can teach you how to become a ‘SIX FIGURE TRAINER’ I want you to confidently scoff, chortle*, and say, “no thank you sir, that has zero impact on my wellbeing. I’d rather be happy but I hope that you enjoy your expensive car … Read more

Emotional Bankruptcy for a Fat Bank Account

OTA user Kevin says, “Everywhere I look people are promoting to make me a ‘six figure online trainer’. What’s up with that? Is it some kind of new-age, make-you-rich scam.” Maybe. I don’t know. What I do know is that right now, my friend, online training is the hot thing. It wasn’t always this way. … Read more

The Real Problem With Most (well-intentioned) Fitness Business Coaches (Part 1 of 2)

Today’s article isn’t about one fitness business coach in particular, it’s part-one of a series where I analyze and expose the business model so that you can make a better decision where to spend your hard-earned business-development dollars. First, understand that humans are not rational nor are they irrational. We humans are a post-rationalizing species. … Read more

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