Computers are Useless (According to Picasso)

We live in the age of answers. Google has brought limitless access to the collective intelligence of the world into a device that fits neatly into your pocket. Silicon Valley, with its abundance of website development tools, has made it easy to promote yourself The result is that it’s become too easy to do a … Read more

The benefits of an up-and-coming media called “the Internet”

According to the author of a book that I’m reading, “the internet” presents a lot of opportunities – particularly with something that industry pundits are referring to as “on-line marketing.” We live in an age where everything is new yet nothing is different. Most books written about marketing in the last 10 years aren’t worth the … Read more

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

The image above shows two versions of the Fundamentals of Online Training textbook that accompanies the Online Trainer Academy (OTA). On the bottom is V1.0, released in September 2016, which was the evolution of 5 cohorts consisting of a few thousand students of a previous course called 1K Extra first sold in 2013. On top … Read more

A new way to satisfy an age-old desire

They’ve heard it all before and they don’t believe you. If there’s a single, biggest gap in the thinking of well-intentioned online trainers today it is this: “You will have a difficult time marketing thinner, faster, stronger, or lighter because your audience has seen it all before, been promised it all, tried it all, and … Read more

“Who is that guy? My teenage sons had a lot to say about this”

OTA student Heather Goudy-Griffiths had this to say after receiving a surprise triple-insulated Online Trainer Academy bottle in the mail yesterday, My teenage sons had a lot to say about the tape! Who is that guy? What is he doing? Why is he sending you stuff? Creating alternative messages… I think it’s awesome! My husband … Read more

“That’s a Wendy’s Quality Chicken Nugget Right There!”

Speaking with online trainer Lou Guarino in my new apartment yesterday, he asks, “How do I differentiate myself? I have a bit of a following on Facebook but it seems like every time that I post a call looking for clients, people don’t answer. They used to. What do I do.” We spoke and, when … Read more

How to Become the Obvious Choice

He never expected it to sell 16,000 copies. The book, The Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide, could not possibly have a large enough audience to spur such a big business, he was told. But Phil Graham wrote the book because it was a topic that he, as a diabetic bodybuilder, was passionate about. And he wrote … Read more

Think outside the box (47 words)

When you’re in a box all that you see can are the edges, so you push against them. A little more this way or little less of that. Remove the box, and you might just see a market that others don’t or a position that others won’t.

“It Tastes Awful, but it Works”

Buckley’s is a medicine with the tagline, “it tastes awful, but it works”. Red Bull is an energy drink that tastes like medicine. It has many competitors that taste better, come in larger cans, cost less, and have the same stimulating ingredients (taurine, caffeine, vitamin B, sugars). Red Bull tastes worse than Buckley’s and has … Read more

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